
I seek peace.
At least that’s what I tell myself. But peace is a concept oversold to us for free. Probably online or in those books that described peace as the one thing that gives you clarity, epiphanies or maybe even life-changing ideas.
I seek peace with a pursuit to that mental clarity…

With the hope for ideas and groundbreaking thoughts…
So is it really peace that I seek??

Continue reading “Peace.”

A cheap gift that gave me valuable Love lessons. Part 2

It was the PENCIL BOX WITH BUTTONS from my Sunday story

It was Love . It was Pink and with so many compartments, it had buttons and cartoons and a space to write your name. Inside there was also a glitter pen as a start to the many colored pens I had said I will keep in it. It was the cheapest yet the most precious gift i had ever received.

Indeed he had won. For he knew that my stupid wish at 9 years old was more important than anything material and pricey.

I instantly felt so special. And weirdly enough, I had that warm feeling of love..

It was a weird feeling… A gush of emotions, Love and more. Questions and answers swirling in my head… making me wonder how this tiny pencil box which I literally have no use for made me feel special? Why was I feeling loved? And yet I also knew the answer…

Continue reading “A cheap gift that gave me valuable Love lessons. Part 2”

A cheap gift that gave me valuable Love lessons. PART- 1

So it was one of those really lazy Sundays, we didn’t want to get up .. it was a cozy room with little light and the fuzzy temperature made it impossible for us to start the day. Lying in our pajamas, talking about the most random things in our childhood. He told me about how he had a wide collection of books growing up and yet now he finds it so tough to read even one book consistently….
I told him about how I used to borrow books from a friend coz my mom thought reading school books were more important…

One childhood story after another… our day was starting really slow….

Continue reading “A cheap gift that gave me valuable Love lessons. PART- 1”

Peeping Out My Window

Every so often I peep out the window.

I see the green fence and an empty road, the shed, the hut and the sand dunes on the street nothing from this monotonous life has changed since the last time I peeped 3 minutes ago or even from the first peek I made a year ago. I followed him to Jaisalmer when he came for work, and even though I was so excited to  live in a desert there is nothing that can prepare you for what this city can bring upon.

Continue reading “Peeping Out My Window”

I want to sound deep….

So i realized something recently,

I have been writing for a long time now. Speeches, diary entries and poems too sometimes, but what i have suddenly come to realize is i have always just written only about “what i felt”. Funny it sounds i know but let me explain. I have always been a passionate and compulsive writer, one second i have a whim and the other second i may be scribbling vigorously on any piece of paper i find. Continue reading “I want to sound deep….”